How We Helped Parents End Their Mythical Quest for Healthy Vitamins

Created in-house at the Colorado based agency Common Good, I was part of the team that created Renzo’s first-ever brand campaign that lets parents know they’ve finaally found a vitamin that checks all the boxes.

Parents know all too well the quest to find a vitamin that their kids will like taking that isn’t loaded with sugar — or even worse, gummy candy masquerading as a vitamin. Expensive bottles of “healthy” vitamins sit unconsumed in the pantry in lieu of whatever the kids will take. Parents’ quest to find a wholesome, sugar-free vitamin made with clean ingredients is finally over. Meet Renzo’s, the unicorn of vitamins — one that parents and kids can agree on. 

Art Director/Illustration: Drew Bentley
Illustration: Garrett Deheer
Creative Director: Andy Dutlinger
Copywriter/Voice: Mia Godwin
Copywriter: Emma Bryant 
Animation: Team Legend Studios

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